Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bargain Basement Brewery - Episode 2 - Burn, Baby! Burn! (Original Airdate 8-3-13)

Ladies and Gentlemen!  I proudly present episode 2 of The Bargain Basement Brewery:  Burn, Baby!  Burn!
 - This one is much better than my first outing, better audio quality, better editing, better deck, I consider this one the real first episode of the series! - 

Originally uploaded on 8-3-2013.  After the jump I'll put up the original YouTube description.

Follow me on twitter (@magicpokey) :: Episode 2 of The Bargain Basement Brewery, this time without the rambling introduction!

Join Magicpokey as he pilots a mono-red burn deck in the MTGO Modern practice rooms.  Will his opponents fall to his fire and brimstone?  Or will he run out of gas and stall out in defeat?  Tune in to find out!

As always, here is the decklist:

-Main Deck

3x Pyrite Spellbomb
4x Lava Spike
4x Lightning Bolt
3x Seal of Fire
4x Incinerate
3x Rift Bolt
4x Browbeat
3x Thunderous Wrath
2x Howling Mine
4x Shrine of Burning Rage
1x Pyroclasm
4x Flame Javelin
2x Lash Out
3x Rootbound Crag
16x Mountain


3x Ancient Grudge
2x Tumble Magnet
3x Ghostfire
3x Stone Rain
3x Pyroclasm
1x Pyrite Spellbomb

Total Cost: $5.56 at (as of 8-3-13)

- You could add Beast Within in place of the stone rain to give yourself a way to deal with opposing enchantments, and you could alter the mana base with shocks and maybe even fetches because thinning out the deck can only draw you more burn spells.
- The most expensive change, though, by far would be adding Bonfire of The Damned, it's an effective spell but for the price of One bonfire you can build Five or Six of my other budget decks.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Bargain Basement Brewery!  Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below, and if you want to subscribe, well, that'd be okay too!

I hope to make The Bargain Basement Brewery a weekly series, at least, that is my goal.  I'm not promising anything but I'll keep doing this as long as people seem to like it.  Thanks for watching!

Twitter: @magicpokey
MTGO SN: Magicpokey

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