Friday, February 28, 2014

F***in' Magnets (How do they work?)

     No time for a long one, just have to drop this real quick.

     Protip:  Don't ever drop the only set of keys to your vehicle down a storm drain in a city.

     I spent the better part of an hour lying face down in a Bojangles parking lot, fishing for my keys with a magnet tied to a bungee cord.  With the most godawful sewer stanch blowing directly INTO my nose.

     There isn't enough disinfectant soap in the world to make me feel clean again.

 - - - - -

     Update:  I retrieved my keys and drove home (after thoroughly washing them in the sink at Bojangles).  Also, and I swear to god I am not making this up, there was a small crowd gathered around trying to help me by the time I got my keys.  When I triumphantly pulled them from the drain, I heard a little old lady near the back mumble "Praise Helix!"

     Almost worth it, really.

     Until tomorrow, lovelies.

Inappropriate Punsmanship

     Ok, so sunrise is like ten minutes out so I need to type fast.

     Joke...  Joke...  Hmmmm...

     What do you get when you crossbreed an Elephant and a Rhinoceros?

     Give up?


     *laugh track*

     Say it out loud.  You'll get it.

     Until tomorrow* lovelies! 

     *(By "tomorrow" I, of course, mean later today.)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

(Insert Witty Title Here)

     Well.  This isn't good.

     I literally have nothing to say.

     It's not like nothing has been happening recently.  I mean, I registered for school.  I got into the two classes I really wanted, so that's good.  I've been driving my moped around town.  I somehow injured my foot.  I even found some new (to me) content to follow on YouTube.

     I just have nothing to say about any of that.

     Well, nothing interesting, anyway.

     I have the tech set up for streaming and video production.  But I've discovered that I am woefully bad at being entertaining without someone to play off of.  I don't know.  Maybe I'll try a scripted YouTube video about something.

     I have been doing this daily challenge for over two months now, and one thing I've discovered is that I'm much better at writing funny than talking funny.

     Ooohh!  I know!  I recently found the script for a movie that I wrote with a buddy in high school.  Maybe I'll punch it up and post excerpts from it here in the coming weeks!  I'm sure it's hilariously, cringe-inducingly awful!

     Anyway.  Goodnight, lovelies.  Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Church of The Helix

     I may or may not have been listening to this on a loop, so let that play in a new tab while you read this one.

     Go on, I'll wait.  Set it up to play.

     Is it playing?  Good.


     Ok, let me explain.  I'll start at the beginning in case this makes absolutely no sense to you.  On the popular streaming site there has been a social experiment running (for the better part of the past two weeks) called Twitch Plays Pokemon.  Basically someone made an IRC script that takes commands typed into the chat and translates them into commands for an emulator running the original game boy Pokemon Red.  Allowing anyone watching the stream to input commands and thus control the action on screen.

     This sounds kinda cool from a technical standpoint, and it is.  But there's one problem.

     Twitch Plays Pokemon now has 50,000+ people watching at any given time.

     Fifty.  Thousand.  People.

     Each of them has precicely the same amount of control over the game as each of the others.

     There are over 500 commands scrolling by every minute.  The player character is bouncing around like an epileptic mongoose on speed.  This sounds like a recipe for anarchy.  And it is.  In more ways than one, but something staggering has happened.

     As of this writing, Twitch Plays Pokemon has collected seven of the eight gym badges, navigated several puzzle dungeons, defeated team rocket, and caught Zapdos in the power plant.  Is is an absolutely staggering amount of progress for what should be essentially a random input generator.

     As amazing as the progress through the game is, something else has grown up around his stream. The fandom has gone absolutely batshit insane over this.  There is even a religion forming around some of the more memorable moments from the adventure.

     At a certain point in the game, the player is given a choice between two fossils, the Helix fossil or the Dome fossil.  Twitch Plays Pokemon (hereafter called TPP) chose the helix fossil.  In the game you can use items in battle, and a lot of the random commands entered have made the player try to use the helix fossil, giving the same error message over and over again.  Thus a cry of 'Consult the helix' became popular.

     As is the way with fandom, this idea grew in an organic manner.  Eventually the followers of the Helix had an enemy (in the form of a false prophet flareon and the dome fossil), a tragedy ('bloody Sunday' where several of the captured Pokemon were released by people trolling the chat), a messiah (a pigeot they call 'Bird Jesus' who has been with the party since the very early game), a resurrection (the helix fossil was revived into omanyte, now seen as a god, during the quest for the 7th badge), and even disciples in the form of the other Pokemon in the party.

     As of this writing, the party consists of Omanyte - the revivd helix fossil, Bird Jesus - the messiah, Air Jordan the Fresh Prince - a Lapras, All Terrain Attack Venomoth - the ATV, AJ the Archangel of Justice - Zapdos, and The Moon King - a fully evolved Nidoking.  Notable Pokemon released have been the starter (a charmander named Abby) and DigRat (a rattatta who knew dig).  There have been more, but I don't know them all off e top of my hand.

     What makes this so beautiful is the organic growth of the fandom.  There has been fan art galore, stories, a freaking religion, and now the music you hopefully are listening to right now.  It's beautiful.  There is nothing with as much power to bring people together as fandom.  And that is a wonderful thing.  It makes me glad, and gives me hope for humanity that such beauty can come from a group of random strangers working in concert against adversity.  Hope.  Isn't that what religion is all about?

     No, I am not losing my religion.  But I am proud to be a gamer, and I feel privileged and honored to witness the rise of The Blessed Helix Fossil.  The fact that people can come together to create such beauty over something as silly as this gives me real hope for the future of humanity.  Somehow, The Blessed Helix has shown me the light of truth.

     So I'll say it loud.  And I'll say it proud!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Prepare for Ludicrous Speed!

     Really short one today, lovelies.  It's been a helluva long day and I have to be up early tomorrow to register for classes.  The good news?  I got a helmet for my new moped (which I'm calling 'Gertrude', not really sure why, but go with it).  I spent more than I planned but I got a helmet that fits.  I wanted a full face helmet, but none of the full face helmets I could find (after several days of shopping) would fit on my apparently massive head.

     So, today I finally bit the bullet and went to the local Harley Davidson dealership where they fitted me for a helmet.  

     Now, let me break here to explain something.  You can buy D.O.T. approved motorcycle helmets from most department stores, heck even Wal-Mart carries them, and the vast (and I mean VAST) majority of people buy either Medium or Large.  They carry a few Extra-Larges, for the big-headed individual, but nobody ever really has anything larger than that.  So I looked and looked.  Squeezing my cabesamelon into helmet after helmet, never finding one that actually fit on my gigantic head.  I even found some XXL sized ones at an outlet store, no dice.

     So, I walk into the Harley store and ask for a helmet, explaining that nothing in any of the other stores fit right.  The nice lady gets out her tape measure and has to measure my head four times before she will believe it.  She called her manager over and everything and HE had to measure my head.  Apparently, I had the biggest melon they had EVER seen.  Not just in that store, in THE ENTIRE REGION!

     Anyway, they went in the back and rummaged around for a while before finally emerging with the biggest helmet they had, a 3/4 shiny black helmet with a snap on face shield.  I tried it on and wonder of wonders, it fit!  It was miraculous!  It doesn't hurt my ears, it doesn't pinch my jaw, it fits snugly but not too tight, and it doesn't even squeeze my forehead too tightly.  This helmet is perfect!  There's only one problem.

     It's a 4XL.

     An Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra-Large motorcycle helmet.

     I may be safe and comfortable, but by GOD do I look dumb.

     Here I am, big ass me, with this big ass helmet, on this teeny-tiny little scooter.

     I look like a shriner.

     The one redeeming factor about this helmet, is I can quote 'Spaceballs' all day in it, because I look like one of Dark Helmet's Ping Pong's (Parody versions of Stormtroopers).

     But.  At least I'm safe.  It doesn't really matter what I look like as long as I am safe.

     Until tomorrow, lovelies!


     P.S.- No, I'm not going to tell you how much the helmet cost.  It is a Harley Davidson brand helmet bought from a Harley Davidson showroom.  It cost too fucking much is what it cost.

     P.P.S.- If you haven't heard of or seen 'Spaceballs' yet, you need to correct that.  It's an 80s era Mel Brooks movie (when he was at the height of his comedy genius) and it's his big sci-fi (meaning Star Wars/Trek) parody film.  I not going to spoil it because half of the hilarity is just seeing where it will go next, but it's really, REALLY funny.  It's on Netflix and Hulu plus, it's on blu-ray, and the DVD is probably in your local $5 bin at Wal-Mart.  Go out and WATCH.  THIS.  MOVIE!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Vroom! Vrooooom!

     I bought a vehicle today.  I know, I thought I was poor too, but I actually saved up enough money and bought myself a vehicle to drive back and forth to school/work/blowjob practice whatever.  I spent $500 on a vehicle that is equal parts awesome and lame.

     That's right, lovelies.  I have joined the illustrious ranks of the Moped drivers.  You know, a moped.  Those colorful baby-motorcycles you see putting along on the side of the road at 35 miles an hour.  Sometimes called a "Liquor-Cycle" or "Scooter", mopeds are a fast growing market for those in the know.

     True, there are some people who drive a moped because they lost their license (usually to a D.U.I., here the name 'Liquor-Cycle').  But I can assure you that I am not one of those people.  One- On the rare occasion that I drink, I do it at home.  Two- I'm not dumb enough to try to operate anything heavier than a tv remote when I've been drinking.  And Three- I can assure you, my drivers license is right where it's supposed to be, in my wallet.

     You see, I got a moped to save money.  I'll explain how in handy list form!

     Rumor - Mopeds are lame.
     Status - Mostly False.  Mopeds are considered lame because they don't go very fast, and because of the afore mentioned "liquor-cycle" moniker, but more and more people are driving them in the main stream for good reasons, making mopeds come around to cool again!

     Rumor - Mopeds get REALLY good gas mileage.
     Status - Absolutely true.  The moped I purchased gets somewhere north of 100miles to the gallon.  Imagine how happy you would be if your car got a hundred mpg.  Exactly.

     Rumor - Mopeds are just baby's-first-motorcycle.
     Status - Unfortunately true.  You see, a moped is a cheaper, slower motorcycle.  In fact, the DMV where I live lists anything above 50cc AS a motorcycle, requiring tags, insurance, and a motorcycle license.  But, mopeds are very popular because they are so inexpensive.  Which leads us to...

     Rumor - Mopeds are cheap.
     Status - True.  I paid a little under $500 for my moped.  It's reliable, it gets great gas mileage, it's pretty simple to maintain, and it doesn't require insurance.  I estimate that this moped will save me north of a hundred dollars a month in gas and insurance bills.

     And finally:

     Rumor - You can't pick up chicks on a moped.
     Status - Provably false.  I will have you know, that I took a woman to my home after meeting her and going for a drive, on my old moped, years ago.  That woman is now my beautiful wife and the mother of my perfect daughter.

     This moped will drive for longer than your car, cost MUCH less to fill up, and doesn't require costly insurance.  I'm going to save so much money that maybe, by the time I graduate, I can give this moped to my kid and get myself what I really want:  A Harley Davidson.

     Vroom!  Vroooooom!

     Goodnight, lovelies!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Fuckit List

     Today's article is a bit different.  I'm going to make a list.

     I know, these things are played out everywhere, especially on the Internet, but don't worry.  This one will be a bit different (and hopefully good).


 - - - - -

     So, my buddy Kinka asked me a question a couple days ago, and I think I finally have an answer for him.  He asked me about my 'Bucket List'.

     For those of you who don't know, a bucket list is a list of stuff you want to do before you die (or 'kick the bucket').  Most people put things like "See Paris at night" or "Tell her I love her" or "Climb Mt. Everest" you know, melodramatic shit that belongs in a Nicholas Sparks movie.

     Well, fuck that!

     I'm not into that kind of stuff (at least not today), so Ima change it up a bit by making the bucket list for EVERY man.  I'm going to research the things the avarage man wants to do before he dies.  This is the stuff where, if given the chance, any man would say "Fuck it" and drop everything to take part.

     I'm calling this: The Fuckit List.

     But you all know me and what a stickler for accuracy I am, so, after the grueling, painstaking research regimen of "Making a bunch of shit up", I came up with Six things that men would give anything to be a part of.  So, without further ado, I present to you, the avarage males 'Fuckit List'.

     06 - Win the lottery.
          - Who doesn't want to win the lottery?  Who among you hasn't dreamed of hitting the 40bazillion dollar jackpot and quitting your shitty job on the spot?  I know I have.  Never having to worry about money again sounds so AWESOME, right?  Yeah.  I thought so.  Winning the lottery has to be on this list.

     05 - Drive a really fast car.
          - C'mon, you knew this was coming.  Name one guy who would pass up the opportunity to redline an Aston Martin or Lambourghini?  Protip: You can't.  Every man on earth wants to, at least once, push a miracle of technology to it's breaking point at 150mph+.  Secretly we kinda want to stick our heads out the window, too.  Us and the dog.

     04 - Have a Threesome (F/F/M).
          - It's said that an avarage male thinks of sex at least once every seventy seconds.  This isn't true.  The avarage man NEVER STOPS thinking about sex, it just isn't always at the forefront of his mind.  Only like 65-70% of the time.  Give any avarage guy the chance to have a threesome with two beautiful women and he won't need to think about it.  He will have his pants off before you finish your sentence.

     03 - Make the game-winning shot/goal/run/point/skeet whatever.
          - There's a reason sports movies follow an extremely specific formula, 99% of them end with the protagonists making a last second play to score the last few points needed to win the big game.  Then it's cheers and hugs all around.  Usually, somebody gets drenched in whatever sports drink paid the most to be featured in the movie.  Every man on earth loves the fantasy of beating the odds and being a hero, and nothing gives us that quite like a good sporting event.

     02 - Really rub it in that jerk's face.
          - Everybody has at least one person who loves to crush their dreams.  Constant negativity and snide comments about how 'You'll never make anything of yourself' or 'When are you gonna go out and get a REAL job?' or 'God, I wish my health plan had covered abortions!'  Wouldn't you just love to do something really awesome and prove them wrong, just to watch their face when you smear your hard-earned victory all over it?  Yeah, that crow tastes pretty good, doesn't it!?

     And Finally:

     01 - Take part in a heist.
          - I mean a heist.  Not robbing a 7-11 while wearing a hocky mask or swiping some medium-ticket item from Wal-Mart, I mean a real heist, where you make detailed plans and walk away with millions of dollars worth of loot.  Think about it.  How cool was Oceans 11?  Or Office Space?  Or The Italian Job?  Or (the first ten minutes of) The Dark Knight?  Or about a dozen other heist movies I could name?  There's just something unashamedly cool about being in a group of people with specialized skillsets, locating a VERY valuable item, planning a daring heist, and pulling it off with style.  Everybody has a job to do; be it the crazy wheelman, the dexterous safe-cracker, the suave frontman, or even the nerdy-but-still-cool tech guy.  A well-executed heist is the epitome of cool.  I'm also sure you could knock several things off this very list with a heist.  Drive the getaway car, get lots of cash, make the last minute move that gets everybody out safely, revel in taking from that jerk the very thing he loves most, a heist is awesome!  Plus, did I mention that you get a share of whatever awesome swag you made off with?  I posit that taking part in a heist would be the high point of any mans life.

     Unless, of course, he got caught.  But that's a list for another day.

 - - - - -

     So there you have it, The Fuckit List.  Can you think of something more?  Something I didn't mention?  Post your cool Fuckit List ideas in the comments below!  See you tomorrow, lovelies!

Friday, February 21, 2014


     Another short one today, because I'm tired and I've been out all day.

     So, I'm on a free week of Hulu Plus (short review: If current stuff is REALLY important to you, get cable instead, Hulu Plus is awful).

     Sorry.  So I'm watching stuff on Hulu Plus and they have ads.  On a service I am already paying for.  But I digress.  One of their ads is for the 13th season of American Idol.  This is a direct quote from the ad:  "Critics agree, this could be lucky season 13!"

     I have a few problems with that.

     Let's break it down.  "Critics Say"  What critics?  There is no one this is attributed to, is this the work of the mythical Anonymous Critics Association (Keeping people in the dark since REDACTED)?  I'm gonna assume that Josh and Skinny Pete in the mail room said it.  Because this quote sounds like it came from a mind with the approximate intelligence of a guy called Skinny Pete.

     How about "Lucky season 13".  What's so lucky about it?  Who's getting lucky?  Is it a contestant? Are you claiming that not one of this seasons crop of wannabe singers is good enough?  And one of them has to get lucky to win?  I don't get how this is supposed to sell potential viewers on your show.

     Now the big one.  "this could be"  What?  WHAT?  All of my WAT!?  This makes no sense.  Look, Fox, it's simple.  Is this or is this not the Thirteenth season of American Idol?  If it IS, then it can be "lucky season 13".  If it ISN'T, then it CAN'T be "lucky season 13".  It's a BINARY.  FUCKING.  CHOICE!  The phrase 'could be' implies a grey area, where this both IS and ISN'T 'lucky season 13'.  It's like Schrodinger's fucking reality show up in here.  Using a phrase like 'could be' here implies probabilities.  But there ARE NO PROBABILITIES HERE.  If this is season 13, then you can call it 'lucky season 13'. If this isn't season 13, then you're gonna have to call it 'lucky season 14' or 'lackluster season 12' or 'shitty reality show is shitty' or something.  There is no COULD here.  Because we KNOW, empirically, that this is season 13, then there is no possibility that this isn't season 13.  So no, it's not 'maybe lucky season 13.'  IT.  FUCKING.  IS.  SEASON.  THIRTEEN.  YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!



     I got a little worked up there.

     Anyway, all of that rage aside, when I explained this to my buddy J.D., his response was:

     J.D. - "Isn't this about American Idol?"

     Me - "Uhh, yeah?"

     J.D. - "Then I don't care."  (goes back to his newspaper)

     And you know what?  I can't think of a better sentiment to go out on than that.  Goodnight, lovelies!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


     A day in the life of Glass Joe

     6:39am - The alarm goes off, hit snooze button twice.  Get out of bed, put ice packs and bag of frozen peas back into freezer.
     7:15am - Watch sunrise from balcony, gather thoughts.

     7:30am - Shower, apply ointment.

     8:00am - Make breakfast.

     8:15am - Eat breakfast.

     8:16am - Remember to remove retainer.

     8:17am - Clean retainer.

     8:20am - Return to (now cold) breakfast.

     8:30am - Take medicine (Xanax, Neurontin, Flexoril, Xanax, and an Asprin)

     8:40am - Get Dressed.

     9:00am - Leave for gym.

     9:15am - Warm Ups.

     9:25am - Light weights.

     9:35am - Treadmill.

     9:45am - Heavy Bag

     10:00am - Rest Break.

     10:15am - Jumprope.

     10:30am - Light Sparring Practice.

     12:00pm - Lunch.

     12:45pm - Walk in park.

     1:30pm - Head home.

     2:00pm - Get dressed for tonights match.

     2:30pm - Leave for venue.

     2:50pm - Arrive at venue.

     3:30pm - In this corner... Etc.

     3:32pm - DING Round 1.

     3:38pm - Knocked the fuck out.

     4:00pm - Wake up in locker room.

     5:25pm - There it is!  Finally found the last missing tooth.

     6:00pm - Arrive home.

     6:05pm - put ice on swelling face, sit and cry softly.

     6:30pm - Apply fresh ointment to facial swelling.

     6:50pm - Open can of Chef Boy-Ar-Dee

     7:00pm - Eat pasta, cold.

     7:30pm - Watch "Duck Dynasty"

     8:30pm - Get ready for bed.

     9:00pm - Go to bed, read about Boxing Technique.

     9:15pm - Fall Asleep with ice packs stuck to face.  "Maybe tomorrow will be better".

 - - - - -

     Wow.  I must be more tired than I thought.  I was trying for some humor tonight, but I wound up making  myself feel bad for Glass Joe. Poor dude, always getting the ahit kicked out of him by midget teenagers.  he just wants to win once more before he retires...

     Anyway, Goodnight Lovelies!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

'Greentext Story'

     Short one today, peeps.  As some of you may know, I sometimes peruse imageboards.  If you don't know what I'm talking about then good.  The board I usually lurk on can be rightfully described thusly:

     "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum, and villainy."

     Wretched hive that it is, I still find that I can be freely creative in a completely anonymous environment.  It was in this type of anonymous board that I wrote the following.  (based on a story told to me by a close friend)

     ***AUTHORS NOTE***   What follows is an artistic work of FICTION.  Only a fool would take anything after this disclaimer as fact.

 - - - - -

>be me

>19, college, frat party

>girl and I have both had a few drinks

>she's 'in the mood' and wants to go back to my place.


>call a cab, I'm not getting a DUI for random frat party sex.

>cab ride home she's all over me, hand in my pants, telling me,out loud, what she wants to do to me, the good stuff.

>get home, have some awesome sexy times.

>wake up next morning and girl is gone.

>oh well, coolstorybro mode engaged.

>in class two days later she walks in with two campus cops, points at me, and I get hauled out in handcuffs.

>long story short she had a boyfriend, he dumped her for being a whore, now she's crying rape to convince him to take her back.


>sitting in a holding cell, use my only phone call to call my frat bros

>they go into Sherlock Holmes Mode

>three hours later they have the cabbie who drove us home at the police station.

>cabbie shows the cops his in cab security footage, apparently he keeps a camera in his cab after being robbed a few times.

>cops hold me for another hour while they call her in

>they show her the video, she loses her mind!  Screaming at the cops about how they are going to ruin her life and some such.

>she swings at a big male officer

>she got maced, tasered, brought up on false police report and assault charges, and later expelled.

>cops let me out and tell me whole story, show me the interview tape of her freak out.

>laugh all the way home with my bros

Moral of the story?

Men:  Check to see if she has a boyfriend BEFORE you take her home!

Women:  It is not okay to cry 'Rape' after consensual sex just because you regret the act.

 - - - - -

     Like I said, a wretched hive of scum and villainy.  I'm only reposting this because it's relatively tame and I want to see if this type of humor blends with the real world and my style.  

     Let me know what you think.  Until tomorrow, lovelies!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Fleet

     Story time, lovelies!


 - - - - -

     Humanity has made its first great strides into the production of antimatter.  This fuel source is so powerful that it's creation emits radiation in ways that the humans have never even dreamed of.  So, even though we have only made single atoms of anti-hydrogen in our laboratories, the creation of antimatter lit what amounted to a massive signal beacon for the more advanced civilizations out there.

     In essence, we accidentally drew the attention of everyone.

     This was quite a shock, as Earth was on the outskirts of the western spiral arm of the galaxy, by far the most distant system from the galactic core to ever develop life, and the first in our entire quadrant in recorded history.  And galactic recorded history goes back hundreds of millions of years.  Scoutships weren't even sent this far out, because it was assumed that there was nothing out this far but dead rocks and proto stars.

     It was decided amongst the intergalactic council of ministers that we wearn't ready to join the intergalactic community.  As a species, we were too warlike, too aggressive, and not nearly unified enough in our goals.  We were dangerous, and worse, we already had a planet full of weaponry because we were constantly trying to kill ourselves.

     Plans were put into effect to quell the 'problem' of humanity with overwhelming force.

     Five more earth years, it took.  To build the assault fleet.  But when it was completed, the galaxy had seen no larger fleet of warships rallied behind a single purpose.  There were two hundred picket cruisers, basically gun platforms with rudimentary engines attached, with crews of 25 and enough firepower each to take on ships three times their size.  

     Behind those were the battleships.  At least a hundred of them, each one as big as five picket cruisers, bristling with enough weaponry to glass over a medium sized planet.  Slow and powerful, the battleships were capable of taking a lot of punishment, so they would serve as the main line defense force that would hold the line during the battle.  

     After the battleships came the carriers, all fifty of them.  The size of battleships, but with minimal weaponry.  Instead from their nearly hollow, cavernous hull would boil hundreds of thousands of tiny, single pilot, drone craft.  These clouds of fighters were all linked to massive mainframes on their carriers, allowing them to operate with unparalleled efficiency.

     Behind the carriers were the big guns.  The War Cruisers.  Massive vessels, easily the larges vessels in the fleet, by a factor of ten, with nearly impenetrable armor and the expected assortment of standard weaponry.  What made these behemoths truly fearsome, however, was their megapulse laser system.  Taking up the entire center spar of each monstrous craft, the megapulse laser fired a beam of pure energy so large and powerful that they could crack entire planetoids in half.  This system could only be used once before draining all power from the ships reactors.  But that wouldn't be a problem, as there were five of these mammoth war machines.

     The fleet was a thing of beauty.  Enough destructive force to conquer the entire western spiral arm of the galaxy, all assembled to annihilate one planet.  The sleek silvers and greys of the ships practically gleamed with anticipation of the battle to come.

     With great ceremony and a few really stirring speeches, the fleet was launched.  This was it.  The most powerful force the galaxy had ever seen was off on its mission to destroy the most unstable race that had ever posed a threat to the more civilized species of said galaxy.

     The trip took almost a full year.  That's how far out our solar system is from the core of the galaxy.  There were some rudimentary scientific studies done aboard the fleet, mostly to due with the curious phenomenon that planets and stars grew exponentially larger the further they got from the core.  This was mostly ignored, however.  This was a fleet of war.  The science could wait until the fighting was over.

     When the fleet got within a five light years of our system they went into full stealth mode.  Erecting a cloaking field that would keep them blind, but would also keep them completely hidden from the eyes of the human defenders until the fleet was on top of the planet.

     It took weeks.  Running dark, concealed by the cloaking field, but the fleet eventually breached our inner solar system.  The order was given, the cloak was dropped, and the fleet had arrived.  One second there was the blankness of space, the next there was a riot of grey and silver as hundreds of warships emerged from the cloaking field, screaming down towards the blue-green ball that is the earth.

     Their weapons were hot and they began firing even before their cloak had dropped, so that their first volley was hitting the upper atmosphere as the fleet emerged.

     It is unknown when the commanders realized their mistake.  Perhaps it was when the cloak dropped and the earth was thousands of times bigger than had been estimated.  Perhaps it was when the first volley of screaming energy from their cannons was absorbed harmlessly by the planetary magnetic field that was registering as many orders of magnitude bigger than anything they had ever seen.  Perhaps it wasn't even until the entire fleet was caught in the unthinkably steong gravety well of the earth and began falling towards the atmosphere.

     In the end, it was a costly mistake.  The humans and their planet were veritable giants to the core worlders.  Most of the fleet disintegrated in the friction of the upper atmosphere, but a good portion of the picket cruisers managed to veer off of the main flight path.  Sensor blind from the intense heat, the cruisers burned their entire fuel reserves trying to make for orbit.  They succeeded in arresting their descent, only to be instantaneously crushed when they collided en-masse with the massive solar panel of a human communication satellite.  Knocking the satellite slightly off course temporarily and leaving a football sized scorch mark on the panel.

     The fleet to end all fleets had arrived and been destroyed in a matter of minutes.  Due to a miscalculation of scale, the only adverse effect they caused was a thirty second loss of signal during the end of a decidedly heated futball batch between Brazil and Guam.

     Predictably, this caused a riot wherein three people were killed by being trampled to death in the streets.  So the intergalactic council of ministers can probably count those three casualties as proof that the mission wasn't a TOTAL waste.


 - - - - -

     I'm trying something kinda new this time, but I think it's really unpolished.  I'm trying for serious right up ntil the punch line, so the joke becomes even more funny due to the surprise factor.  Oh well, it's a work in progress.  Let me know what you think in the comments!

Until tomorrow, lovelies!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bad Poetry Corner

     Another short update today.  It's been a long day and I'm tired.

     A really short poem that my dad taught me.

     Roses are red
     Violets are purple
     I love sweet things
     Like Maple Surple!

     I never said I got my creative side from my dad.

     Goodnight everybody!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bitch bitch bitch

     Hey, everybody.  Short one today because I'm really stressed out.

     I'm still waiting on my tax refund.  Im out of money, I'm running out of groceries, and my rent is more than a month behind.  I get paid Tuesday, but it's not a lot, and not nearly enough to cover the past due bills.

     But you don't read this blog to hear me complain.  I can see you now, reaching for that 'x' up in the corner, thinking to yourself:  "Make with the Ha-Ha's, funnyman".

     Well.  I got no Ha-Ha's for you today.  Hopefully things will get better soon.

     As always, I'll see you tomorrow lovelies.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Timeline

     Story time!

 - - - - -

     The following has been reconstructed from old history accounts and textbooks, the dates are as accurate as they can be, but expect some discrepancy.

     July 2026
     - Global thermonuclear war is initiated, wiping out 3/5ths of the planet in a matter of hours, rendering the atmosphere untenable for the remaining people who head underground to live in a network of tunnels.  All resources not devoted to survival are used in expanding the tunnel system.

     Spring 2028    
     - A one earth provisional government is formed, resources are allocated to connecting the major tunnel complexes.

     Winter 2030
     - All the major tunnel complexes on the five major continents (Africa, Eurasia, N. America, S. America, Austrailia) have been connected via underground  shafts.  Human life has settled into a routine.  It is determined that the surface will remain unlivable for at least several centuries.

     - The first children born under the surface are now having families of their own.

     - Differences in languages are breaking down, as the much reduced population no longer has separate national identities to keep themselves apart from others.  Racism and bigotry based on physical features is becoming almost unheard of.

     - The surface is becoming more and more of a myth to the human population.

     - Human beings are slowly losing differences in skin coloring as races interbreed with increasing regularity.  Noticeable difference from ancient humans are larger eyes for night vision and more angular features and hair for easier personal recognition in the low light world of the tunnels.

     - The first Surface Observatories are constructed, allowing a chosen few to view the surface world for the first time in centuries via cameras and large periscope-like contraptions.

     - It is presumed that this is humanities first contact with sunlight.  Not to mention the surface fauna.

     - A religion has sprung up around the observatories, allowing "The glorious sunlight" to shine on the masses for brief periods during ceremonies.  The leaders of the church begin amassing power.

     - The church of the sun has supplanted the official government as the leaders of the human remnant.  Keeping an iron grip on who has access to the observatories (or "temples of the sun" as they are now known.

     - The first readings come back positive for human life support from the surface, this is kept VERY quiet by the church.

     - Word of the habitable surface world spreads like wildfire after a major church official has a change of heart and sides with the people.

     2380 - 2435
     - The great liberation.  Wherein the church is overthrown and supplanted by a secular theistic government by the people.  All organized religion is outlawed to keep something like this from happening again.

     - The last of the church strongholds (The observatories) are liberated by the people's government forces.
     - Humanity makes its first expeditions to the surface in centuries.

     - Humanity has regular contact with the outside world now, setting up forward bases and preparing to retake the surface from the local flora and fauna.

     - First permanent civilian settlements on the surface.  The fight for the surface begins in earnest.

     - Humanity has reconquered the surface world, coming to terms with life in the new wilderness, exploring for ruins of ancient human settlements.  Local nation states are beginning to form once again.

     - Human civilization is once again thriving on the surface.  People are at peace and happy.  It is discovered that some of the mutated animals from the surface world are intelligent and can be trained as pets and labor.

     - The first experiments in living matter/energy transference are a success, but only with certain species of surface fauna.

     - Energy/Matter transference technology is perfected, many people now keeping mutated animals as pets, cockfighting is common between keepers of captured mutations.

     - Great war between new nation states, lasting several decades.  Mostly captured mutations are used in the fighting, an uneasy truce is entered upon the creation of an annual tournament between trainers of mutant fauna.

     - Ash Ketchum is born in a small region of what used to be ancient Japan.

 - - - - -

     Seem of you may have read something similar to this, I'll be honest the basic idea of Pokemon-as-post-apocalyptic-earth has been around for a while, but this is my take on it.  Tell me what you think!

     Until tomorrow, lovelies.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Sociopathic tendencies.

     So, I was on a message board and had this interaction.

     The topic: 
     "How do I get revenge on somebody who I thought was a friend but betrayed me in the worst way?"

     My response:  
     "Forgive them.  Become their best friend and always be supportive of them.  Occasionally bring up how they betrayed you and then laugh weirdly.  Casually tell stories of you anger and rage issues around them.  Beat the crap out of some random guy on the street for "looking at me funny" then go on about your day like nothing happened.  Nudge the friend when they bring it up, wink and laugh again."

     "Here's the best part:  NEVER go off on them.  Their life will crumble around them as they become more and more paranoid and paradoxically codependent on you.  They will become introverted and reluctant to interact with people which will screw up their social life.  Which, in turn, will screw up their professional life.  Making them even more dependent on your supportive friendship.  Revel in the fact that you are destroying someone utterly while being as nice and supportive as you can be."

 - - - - -

     You know.  Sometimes I scare myself.

     Goodnight, everybody!