Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been awhile...

     So.  It's been a while.  I've been busy as hell with school and a flare up of some health issues, but I'll be ok.  I just wanted to apologize to both of my readers for dropping the ball on this.

     Honestly, life is stressful and things had to let up somewhere, and, as much as I love writing for you, it had to let up here.

     I have some things going on, and I will continue to post infrequently for a while until things calm down, but I will get back to daily updates.

     So, to both of my readers.  I'll see you on the flip side.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Give me a medal in Slacksmanship.

     Oh, I am just the WORST kind of person.

     I haven't updated my daily blog in four days.

     I could bore y with details but you don't care, and if you were close enough to me that you DID care, you would already know why I'm late.  Rest assured I will be correcting this mistake.  I promised 365 updates (at least) and that's how many youre going to get.

     Over the next weekend, I will be updating a lot.  Probably twice or three times a day.  Until I'm caught up.

     And it's going to be good stuff too.  No filler.  Real stories or poetry or essays.


     Until tomorrow, my patient lovelies!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Peanuts and Birthdays

     Just a few minutes until sunrise...  Umm...  Today is (was) my daughters sixth birthday!  That's right, six years ago today, on March 31st I was flooded with overwhelming emotions.  Consisting of 47% terror (at being a new father), 51% joy/love (at my wonderful new baby girl), and 2% disappointment (because if she had held out for another four hours, she would have been an April Fools Baby, and that would have resonated with my inner comedian).

     Over the years, that has changed to be 89% Joy/Love (with my amazing little girl), 10% Terror (that something bad will happen to her), and 1% Disappointment (c'mon, she coulda been an April Fools Baby!)

     But I tell you.  The Love always wins out.

     So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Piper!  May your life be as joyful and interesting as mine has been.  It is a pleasure and an honor to be guiding someone as wonderful as you on her first steps down the path of existence!

     Goodnight, everybody!