Missed it by THAT much...
This is the make-up post for Saturday. And let me say, I'm sorry for letting the ball falter this weekend.
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Quickie make-up post, today lovelies!
So. Wanna be set for life? Here is my plan to be set for absolute life.
What you will need: $2,500,004.75 and some self restraint.*
Step 1: Go out and get yourself a shot of decent rum. You're going to need to bolster your self control. (Cost: $4.75)
Step 2: Take $1,500,000 and deposit it in a series of CD accounts that mature annually at 5%. (Cost: $1,500,000)
Step 3: Shop around for a decent college or military neighborhood and buy five houses in the $50,000-$65,000 range. (Cost: $250,000-$325,000)
Step 4: You should be down to somewhere between $750,000 and $675,000. Spend $20,000 on each house fixing it up and getting it presentable. (Cost: $100,000)
Step 5: While getting the houses fixed up, make friends with the following: A contractor, an electrician, and a plumber. (Cost: Friendship is Free, but you should have somewhere just north of $500,000 left over.)
Step 6: Buy a nice house. Somewhere in the $100,000-$125,000 range. And get it fixed up really nice. (Cost: $150,000)
Step 7: ? ? ?
Step 8: Profit!
So, here's how this will set you for life. Put the five smaller houses up for rent at $50/month LESS than similar houses in your area, this will ensure you will almost always have a tenant. Since the houses are paid for, you get to keep the rent money as pure income. Also, the plumber, contractor, amd electrician you made friends with will cut you a deal on maintaining the houses because you are going to be giving them so much business. Now YOU get to live in the bigger house, with (Plus or Minus) $500,000 to blow however you want.
But! How will some rent money set you for life? Sounds risky, right? Well. Here's the secret. Being a landlord is only your hobby! Remember Step 1? Yeah, those CD's you invested in will give you $75,000 a year forever. Do YOU make more than $75,000 a year? Didn't think so.
So. Have fun! Until tomorrow** lovelies!
*(how you get the money is up to you, I don't know... Rob a bank*** or something.)
**(By 'Tomorrow' I, of course, mean later today.)
***(I do not condone robbing a bank, it was a joke, etcetera etcetera disclaimer stuff etcetera.)
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