Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Role Well Played

     Y'all may remember a bit back I posted the backstory for the D&D game I ran for a year.  It's called Deus Ex Arcana, and I think you should give it a read, or this post won't make sense at all.  I am trying to set up another game with some new faces and some old faces, and I wrote up a character biography for each of the main players in my previous game.  Since it's set in the same world, and the new players are basically trying to hunt down the old players at the start of the game, I made the bio's into intelligence reports.

     Below is the bio for my buddy J.D.'s rogue (the same J.D. I was watching Doctor Who with a few days ago).  I am posting this here to illustrate some of the crazy shit that went down during the campaign.


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Player: J.D.
Name: 'X'
Race: Elven
Class: Rogue
Level: 10
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Known Equipment:  
- Vest enchanted to always contain thieves tools.
- At least two throwing javelins that strike like lightening bolts.
- Self crafted masterwork crossbow with 'Nine Lives' enchantment (See note 1).
- Several Immovable Rods
- Large Enchanted Bag of Holding
- Gloves that allow the climbing and traversing of walls and ceilings at great speed.
- A divinely enchanted headband that allows him to walk/run across the surface of water
- Several 'Translocation Stones' (note 2)
- A tunic enchanted to make goblins instantly trust the wearer. (See: Attached file, Giblet)
- A variety of enchanted and alchemical crossbow bolts (note 3)

Known Skills:
     Expert crossbow marksman; competent longsword fencer; expert in the field of stealth and concealment; expert thief; skilled at misdirection and bluffing; expert at intimidation and causing fear; able to slip locks (enchanted or otherwise) with or without (albeit in a less timely manner) the assistance of tools; speaks several languages including Elven, Common, Dwarven, Draconian, Shipspeak (Pirate shorthand), and Gobbeldygook (Goblin language); skilled weapon smith; and possible Controlled Were-rat Lycanthropy (unconfirmed).

Dossier: (From Imperium Intelligence)
     The Xox-Elven terrorist known only as 'X' should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.  Under no circumstances should he be engaged in combat without at least 3-1 numerical advantage, preferably more.  X is a highly skilled marksman with a crossbow which is enchanted with the 'Nine Lives' enchantment (note 1) be wary and do not allow yourself to be within range without ample protection.  The subject is known to consort with Confederation Military assets (though he has not, as of yet, taken a commission therein).  
     His combat tactics favor retreating into the shadows (preferably to high ground, including walls and ceilings) and utilizing his skill with his crossbow and birds eye view of the field to support his team in battle.  In any combat scenario against X and his regular companions, X should be a priority target for any soldier able to fight at range, lest he use his position and pinpoint accuracy to inflict major losses.
     Be wary of the subjects companion, a Goblin (believed to be an escaped product of now defunct 'Project Cadmus') known only as 'Giblet'. Giblet is fiercely loyal to X and will die to defend his master without hesitation.  Giblet should be treated as a high level melee combatant, he wields two curved swords, one longer than the other, and is particularly skilled in their use for simultaneous attack and defense.
     X is not fond of conversation, and has been known to attack during parley without warning, including slaying a member of the imperial royal guard in one shot from his crossbow 'from the hip' at greater than Forty paces.  
     By order of the Royal Elven Imperium:  The terrorist known as 'X' is considered a class 1 threat to the Imperium and is to be apprehended, dead or alive, on sight at all costs.

Addendum: (From: Human Confederation Intelligence Services)
     The Elven Rogue/Thief known as 'X' is considered friendly to the confederation, and has proven capable in combat and intel gathering missions.  He has not pledged any oath of loyalty and should be considered a civilian regarding classified matters, the CIS deems X to be an asset and should be treated as a friend of the confederation.

(1) - The 'Nine Lives' enchantment is not well known to Imperium mages, it is believed to accelerate the aging process in the victim, using the expended Life-Force to heal the attacker, this enchantment should be considered a level 5 curse and top priority should be given to researching a counteracting spell or charm.

(2) - Translocation Stones, commonly known as 'Port-Stones', are one-time use crystals that can be used to instantly transport a person or very small group of persons from one location to another (which has been firmly visualized in the mind of the user).  The stones were manufactured at Dragonwatch Keep, but supply has dried up since the keep was captured by unknown terrorist elements.  The stones can be dangerous in untrained hands, though any person who has undergone basic Mage training should be able to successfully operate a Translocation Stone.

(3) - The Terrorist known as 'X' is known to carry at least Four types of specialized crossbow bolts in addition to normal ammunition.  Silver Bolts, capable of penetrating magical defenses, that are highly effective against magic elemental creatures and especially Were-Animals.  'Screaming' Bolts, that make a high pitched wail as they fly, causing uncontrolled magical panic in the unaware and those without specially trained mental discipline.  Hollow Bolts with collapsable tips that can carry anything from gunpowder (for an explosive strike) to any number of complex poisons, capable of incapacitating or killing a foe in one shot.  And a small number of Blessed Bolts that have been enchanted by a divine being to never miss their target.

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     The real beauty of this character, though is how J.D. plays him.  And yes, he has a hyperintelligent samurai Goblin for a loyal manservant.  Think Han and Chewie if Chewie were well spoken, green skinned, 4 feet tall, and carried around twin swords.

     I'll post the rest of the character bios later, don't worry, they're all just as awesome as this one!

     Goodnite, all!

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