The point is: The story I was planning to write isn't done yet, and the way things are looking it won't be done for a couple of yonks* so im going to post something I wrote a while back for your enjoyment.
It's another character bio from the D&D universe I created and ran a (highly successful) campaign in a few years ago. So sit back, and enjoy some pretty good high-ish fantasy... Er... Stuff. I've got to sort out that damn platypus...
- - - - -
Name: Uriel
Race: Human ?
Class: Monk
Level: 10
Alignment: Neutral Good
Known Equipment:
A belt that magically enhances CQC skills while unarmed; a cloak that
grants telepathic control over common squirrels; a headband that
allows walking/running on the surface of water; foot wraps that
magically provide immunity to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold;
three magical dragon amulets (see note 1); a quarterstaff enchanted to
always stand upright when not being wielded.
Known Skills:
Expert Hand to Hand fighter, specializing in Close Quarters Combat and
Grappling; extremely agile and dexterous, able to run on walls for
short periods of time as well as make jumps that seem impossible for a
human; expert at climbing and free running through an area; unknown,
possibly magical, force that seems to protect him when his life is in
danger (Unconfirmed, see addendum to Dossier).
Dossier (Imperium Intelligence):
The human terrorist known as Uriel is an unknown quantity on the
battlefield. It is obvious that he is a supernaturally gifted unarmed
combatant, having proven himself against the likes of several Imperial
Palace Golems at once. His skill at grapples and throws are not to be
taken lightly, and some reports from survivors claim he has strength
to match several persons of his size. He is believed to carry
magically enhanced tattoos that grant limited magical combat skills on
the battlefield, suggesting he was trained in one of the troll
monasteries in the southlands, this has not been confirmed as we have
not been able to capture and examine him.
allows walking/running on the surface of water; foot wraps that
magically provide immunity to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold;
three magical dragon amulets (see note 1); a quarterstaff enchanted to
always stand upright when not being wielded.
Known Skills:
Expert Hand to Hand fighter, specializing in Close Quarters Combat and
Grappling; extremely agile and dexterous, able to run on walls for
short periods of time as well as make jumps that seem impossible for a
human; expert at climbing and free running through an area; unknown,
possibly magical, force that seems to protect him when his life is in
danger (Unconfirmed, see addendum to Dossier).
Dossier (Imperium Intelligence):
The human terrorist known as Uriel is an unknown quantity on the
battlefield. It is obvious that he is a supernaturally gifted unarmed
combatant, having proven himself against the likes of several Imperial
Palace Golems at once. His skill at grapples and throws are not to be
taken lightly, and some reports from survivors claim he has strength
to match several persons of his size. He is believed to carry
magically enhanced tattoos that grant limited magical combat skills on
the battlefield, suggesting he was trained in one of the troll
monasteries in the southlands, this has not been confirmed as we have
not been able to capture and examine him.
Little is known of his origins, however, as no record of his
birth or even his existence can be confirmed before joining the
terrorist cell known to be operating out of the seafaring vessel 'The
Wine and Roses'. He has been trained as a monk, that much is obvious,
but there seems to be no record of any monastery either in Imperium
Territory or in Human occupied lands that will admit to training him.
Likewise, proof of his lineage and parentage is missing from all
pertinent records. It is as if he did not exist prior to his first
appearance Three years ago aboard a fishing vessel.
Uriel favors getting up close and personal with his opponents,
acting as though he is bigger and stronger than any foe (though he is
average size, bordering on small for a human), this self confidence
and (for lack of a better term) swagger has served him well in
pre-combat situations, allowing him to intimidate many opponents
before a fight begins. In combat he prefers to sprint up to an
opponent and attempt to maneuver himself into a flanking position so
he can better use his grappling skills. He has been known to unleash
flurries of trained unarmed strikes to knock back or incapacitate
multiple opponents at once.
acting as though he is bigger and stronger than any foe (though he is
average size, bordering on small for a human), this self confidence
and (for lack of a better term) swagger has served him well in
pre-combat situations, allowing him to intimidate many opponents
before a fight begins. In combat he prefers to sprint up to an
opponent and attempt to maneuver himself into a flanking position so
he can better use his grappling skills. He has been known to unleash
flurries of trained unarmed strikes to knock back or incapacitate
multiple opponents at once.
Uriel has also been known to engage in a grapple with an opponent
who is obviously stronger than he is, in order to hold said enemy
still so his regular companions can freely attack the distracted foe.
He seems to have almost no sense of self preservation, often holding
opponents down in the path of destructive magic spells without thought
to harming himself.
who is obviously stronger than he is, in order to hold said enemy
still so his regular companions can freely attack the distracted foe.
He seems to have almost no sense of self preservation, often holding
opponents down in the path of destructive magic spells without thought
to harming himself.
Extreme care should be taken when engaging Uriel in combat. He
excels at disarming his foes and in taking on multiple opponents at
once. If possible he should be incapacitated from a distance before
he can close with our forces and begin to utilize his CQC skills.
Several unexplainable incidents have been observed when the
life of Uriel is in danger. In these situations, Uriel has shown
instinctive use of defensive magic (usually draconian in nature) or
feats of superhuman strength and skill even above his already
considerable level, it is the belief of the Imperial Ministry of
Defense that Uriel should be incapacitated and taken, alive but
unconscious, in for further study.
By order of the Royal Elven Imperium: The terrorist known as
Uriel is considered a Class 1 threat to the Imperium and is to be
apprehended, dead or alive, on sight at all costs.
Further Addendum (From Confederation Intelligence Services):
The CIS believes the monk known as Uriel to be somewhat of a
loose cannon, his goals align somewhat with those of The Confederation
of Free Peoples, but he will not declare loyalty one way or another.
He has been known to have private dealings with Minelord Bograff
Stonewall, Dwarven monarch of the Undersand Mines, as well as with
reactionary forces on the Elven Continent. He has proven himself in
battle against Elven forces as well as all manner of fantastical
instinctive use of defensive magic (usually draconian in nature) or
feats of superhuman strength and skill even above his already
considerable level, it is the belief of the Imperial Ministry of
Defense that Uriel should be incapacitated and taken, alive but
unconscious, in for further study.
By order of the Royal Elven Imperium: The terrorist known as
Uriel is considered a Class 1 threat to the Imperium and is to be
apprehended, dead or alive, on sight at all costs.
Further Addendum (From Confederation Intelligence Services):
The CIS believes the monk known as Uriel to be somewhat of a
loose cannon, his goals align somewhat with those of The Confederation
of Free Peoples, but he will not declare loyalty one way or another.
He has been known to have private dealings with Minelord Bograff
Stonewall, Dwarven monarch of the Undersand Mines, as well as with
reactionary forces on the Elven Continent. He has proven himself in
battle against Elven forces as well as all manner of fantastical
Uriel is believed to have been present at the mysterious events
surrounding the Circle of Storms in the Central Sea, he should be
treated as a trusted civilian in regards to classified matters.
Uriel is believed to carry the three Fabled Dragon Amulets,
each one has it's own magical properties.
The Fire Amulet of Passion is said to feed off of the emotions of
those nearby, especially passionate feelings such as love or rage.
This amulet grants its wearer immunity to all types of fire. Capable
of producing and enhancing magical fire, the Fire Amulet was used to
heat the Great Forge of Llaquadar before that city's untimely
destruction. The explosion that destroyed Llaquadar was likely, at
least partially, caused by this amulet.
The Ice Amulet of Logic is, in many ways, the opposite of the
Fire Amulet. The Ice amulet grants it's wearer immunity to all forms
of cold and limited control over the formation of ice crystals,
allowing the formation of temporary Ice weapons. The Ice Amulet
serves to repress emotions just as the Fire Amulet serves to enhance
them. When the Fire Amulet and the Ice Amulet are within close
proximity to each other they tend to cancel each others power out.
The Bone Amulet of Death is the final of the three Dragon Amulets
The Bone Amulet has a tendency to summon undead aberrations at
nightfall, which must be then dealt with. The Bone Amulet Is very
dangerous, capable of infiltrating the very soul of it's wearer,
especially when the wearer kills another person. The Bone Amulet
serves to lower caution and tends to make it's wearer less likely to
be swayed by mercy and more likely to kill without provocation.
especially when the wearer kills another person. The Bone Amulet
serves to lower caution and tends to make it's wearer less likely to
be swayed by mercy and more likely to kill without provocation.
- - - - -
There, wasn't that interesting? I know I enjoyed it. Now, stay tuned, I may not have a lot of time in the next several days to do many long posts but tomorrow will be a new-years-eve special doozy! I hope you are as excited as I am!
Now. Where is that damn platypus mating whistle? I know I had it this morning, thats how this whole mess got started!
OY! You there, yes you, reading this right now. Go on then! Shove off, I've got stuff to do!
OY-AGAIN! Come back tomorrow though! It'll be a blast!
*(Yonks - A technical term meaning an unspecified amount of time lasting something between six hours and several years. in this case, though, it probably refers to about a week.)
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