Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm Back*, Bitches** !

     As both of my former readers can no doubt attest, I have been woefully derelict in my duties as a weekly web series host.  I refer of course to The Bargain Basement Brewery, my Mt:G web series about budget constructed decks.  Considering my last video was in the middle of August and it is now December, I think we can call this one a failure on my part.  I have no excuse.

     Well, I have plenty of excuses, but none of them are any good and neither of you probably care.  I failed at making a weekly series of videos.  My bad.  But I've come to a realization of late.  I don't care.  You see, when I made this blog and began my video series, I was trying to find a creative outlet because I had been cooped up in my house for several years due to illness.  I won't go into the details now (I'm saving that story for later, you'll see why) but suffice it to say I credit the awesome people at with saving me from a slow decline into oblivion.

     'But Pokey', I hear you thinking (that's right, I can hear your thoughts, and you should be ashamed) 'don't you still need a creative outlet, both to become famous, and to stave off the ever-present threat of self-induced madness?'  Well, dear reader, first of all:  That's an oddly specific question the delves pretty deeply into my current state of mind, showing a true understanding of me as a person and of my intentions...  Well played...  And Second:  Yes!  I DO still need a creative outlet.  I was just talking to my friend Albatross (you know, the one eyed, bearded, 12 inch midget gnome who flies around my house on a jetpack powered by old Spaghetti Westerns) about that.  Al totally agreed that I needed a way to let the crazy drain out of my head every once in a while, before things started to get weird.

     So I thought about things for a bit, and then it hit me!  I just so happen to have this blog I'm not using, and this recording software that I spent WAY too much money on, and this new-ish laptop that Financial Aid paid for...  I think you can see where this is going...

     That's right, loyal reader, I'm going to be producing a one man off broadway show about the life and adventures of an alternate history version of Jesus Christ!  I'm calling it Butt Christ & The Anal Apostles!  Starring me, with music by Albatross Gnomingtonson.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm SUPER excited about the opening musical number There's A Back Door Into Paradise it's gonna be a real showstopper!

     I kid, of course.  I'm not producing a stage show.  Though you may see a script for that one in the near future, that's an idea that I literally spent an entire day laughing to myself over.  You see, I'm a storyteller.  I always have been.  I would like to consider myself a modern day Bard for the internet age, and a storyteller needs a place to be heard.  So I'm going to be focusing on this blog.  I'm issuing a challenge to myself:  If I can post something creative, funny or even just observational here, on this blog, EVERY SINGLE DAY for the next year (and a bit, I'm stopping December 31, 2014) then I believe I will have accomplished something awesome, and maybe I'll deserve the self confidence that I seem to have found.

     So, starting today, with this very post, I am beginning this challenge.  For the next 365+ days, you can come back to this very blog and read something created by me.  It could be a script for an off broadway show, or an essay about my observations of a corner of life, or a rant about an issue I feel strongly about, or a short story, or a long story, or an amateur computer game (if I can find my old copy of Games Factory)or some really bad angsty poetry, or an essay on my future plans for this blog (see what I did there?) or maybe a lets play of an old video game, or maybe another episode of The Bargain Basement Brewery, it could be ANYTHING!  As long as it's creative, I think I'll be OK...

     Besides, if I post something creative every day, eventually odds are something will catch the eye of people, and then I'll be internet famous.  Which is like real famous, but without the wealth.  Wish me luck!

*Back, in this case meaning I will be reinventing this blog into a daily journal for my creative side.
**Not that any of you are bitches.  I sincerely doubt that female dogs can even read, much less possess the mental capacity necessary to operate a computer or smart phone.

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