Saturday, January 11, 2014

I don't want to go off on a rant here, but...

     So, it's late and I'm tired, so I'm going to repost something I wrote a while ago about same sex marriage.  Forgive the weird font, I am copy/pasting from the notepad on my iPad, which defaults to this for some reason.  This was first posted on twitter and then on Facebook, but I still hold this to be true.  So without further ado, take it away, Me:

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     The following will be an edited (for grammar and spelling) version of my latest twitter rant: My thoughts on Same Sex Equality (or lack thereof) in our country.  
     Homosexual Equality isn't about politics, it isn't about religion, it isn't even about homosexuality.  It's about love.  Being able to love whoever you want and have that love recognized by our society (with all the attending benefits thereof) isn't a privilege afforded to the elite, it is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT and should be treated as such!  Same sex relationships face discrimination every day!  And thats shameful.  

     Notice I said "IS" a basic human right, not "SHOULD BE".  That's because having the right to be in a gay relationship, or even just to be gay, isn't what's up for debate, no matter how much militant anti-gay activists may want it to be.  What's up for debate is allowing same sex couples equal protection under the law as straight couples.  That's it.  Leave your Bibles and hate speech at home.  Your bigoted and, frankly, archaic stance on homosexuality is not enough reason to further support the shameful, state sanctioned discrimination and racism that is present in our system today.

     I don't care what your god says about "the queers", or what your preacher says, or even what that ultra-conservative talk show says.  Marriage equality is not an ideological battle, it's a LOGICAL one.  There is no credible reason to be against same sex marriage.  No reason that isn't steeped in bigotry, religious intolerance, or fear.  That's right, I said fear.  If you are against marriage equality, you are letting an irrational fear of "otherness" dominate your worldview.  Gay people aren't trying to convert or rape you, they don't send gay missionaries around the world to make more gays, no, the church (the biggest anti-gay establishment there is) does that.  The only thing gay couples want is to be treated equally.

     If your church doesn't want to recognize same sex marriage, that's fine.  Some catholic churches don't recognize 2nd marriages after a divorce, or children born out of wedlock.  That's ok, as long as your unequal treatment isn't forced into the rules of society at large!  Be as bigoted and hate filled as you want, but keep it to your damn selves!

     The way I see it Homosexual Equality is going to happen, and soon.  The lobbies and people fighting against it are doomed to failure, and it makes me ashamed to be an American in a world where every person, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexuality isn't yet created equal.  

     So stand up, write your congressmen and senators, attend your town hall meetings.  Keep telling everyone that equality is a right and fighting against it is shameful and backwards.  We have RIGHT on our side, people!  Let's use it.  I can't wait for the day that "same sex relationships" are just called "relationships".  When all people in this country, no this world, will be truly equal.


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     As you can see, I got a bit worked up over this one.  I can be a very angry person when the situation calls for it, and I can also get pretty political.  If you are reading this then you should know up front that I could be considered 'Flamingly Liberal' in my politics, and while I try to not let politics color my writing, sometimes it seeps in.

     Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.

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