Monday, January 6, 2014

Sega and the case of the mistaken NEStalgia

     Yeah, so remember when I said I would have the next episode of Star Wars vs Star Trek up today? Well, I don't.  Because I took my daughter hiking today and it went a LOT longer than I expected.  So, instead you get me ranting for a few minutes about stuff.

     I recently dug out my old game consoles and purchased some nice new audio equipment.  Which means I'm planning on streaming some old games, or maybe making some lets play videos.  I'm talking about my old Sega Master System.  That's right.  I was a Sega Kid.  I didn't have an NES or SNES, I had the master system, and a genesis.  If you've never heard of the master system, that's ok, it didn't do very well in the states.  Basically it was segas answer to the NES.

     The Master System was an 8 bit console with cartridge games (and even 'card' games, that were like really old fashioned USB sticks).  It had a two button controller like the NES but there was no start or select button.  The d-pad wasn't just a cross though, it was an actual thumb pad that made diagonal movement a lot easier.  Graphically it was miles ahead of the NES with brighter palletes, higher resolution, and more colors on screen at once, the best games on the master system rivaled even some snes games in the graphics department.  It also had a really good sound chip, that allowed for actual music and a wide range of effects.

     All in all, the Master System was a technically superior system that just couldn't compete with nintendo's install base.  I think Sega managed something like 12% of the market at the peak of the Master System.  My point is, I have my old Master System and a basket full of old games that I used to love, so I'm going to be making videos or live streaming some of them for you guys.

     Who knows, I might even have some special guests to help me!

     Anyway, that's all the time I have for today.  See you tomorrow, kiddies!

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