Friday, January 24, 2014

It was my privilege.

     So.  Time to conquer a topic that is sure to bring in the angry letters.  Radical Feminism.  I'm talking about the women who see male cis-privilege everywhere, and no matter what happens in their lives, they blame men or the dreaded patriarchy.

     Let's start at the beginning.  The Patriarchy is a real phenomenon.  It refers to the systematic control of society by males and the cultural systems in place to keep said control in the hands of men.  This is a real thing that is happening.  99% of the 'movers and shakers' in world affairs are male.  There has never been a female president of the most powerful (both militarily and, by extension, culturally) nation in the world (U.S.A.).  The vast majority of politicians who serve in government, and businesspersons who run major corporations, are men.  Men are disproportionately represented in the 'halls of power' on this world.

     I'm not going to go deep into the reasons for this, let's just say there are evolutionary, cultural, and societal reasons for the patriarchy dating back hundreds of thousands of years to the very dawn of human civilization.

     Now.  That being said.  I'm also not going to defend the patriarchy.  Patriarchy is an outdated societal system that stems from a time when technology wasn't as prevalent and physical prowess was the most important factor in keeping lives safe and comfortable.  In a world where the strong men protected the weaker women from roving gangs of saber-toothed tigers, it was only natural for the safety of the tribe that men took the leadership role.  Anyone who has been in combat will tell you: When in doubt, listen to the guy in charge.  Not following the orders of a strict hierarchy can and will get people killed.

     But today, the patriarchy is a holdover from those older, more dangerous, times.  I believe that women are just as apace as men (in most areas) and should be allowed equal opportunity as men in most fields.  There are obvious exceptions, of course.  Major construction, front line infantry combat, and other jobs that require massive physical strength and endurance, these jobs are more suited to men.  Simply because, on avarage, men are stronger, more durable, and have more stamina than women.  On the flip side, there are some areas where women are more suited.  Women are generally more socially adept, quicker on the verbal uptake, and more sensitive to others needs.  Caregivers, organizers, nurses, etc. are more suitable jobs for the avarage woman because women are built to be more adept in those kinds of situations.

     But I'm getting off topic.  My problem today isn't with feminism as a whole.  It is with the radical reigned of feminism that seems to be sprouting up on the Internet like weeds.  This type of feminism has more to do with man-hating than equality.  I have seen messageboard posts from radical feminists who openly plot to abort a baby if it would be male.  I've seen whole articles written on how to neglect male children and coddle female children so the male children will grow up feeling inferior to the females "Because men are already so privileged that the only way for girls to compete with boys is if we, the parents, intervene to make the boys life as miserable and difficult as possible, in order to keep him from developing a sense of privilege.". That is a direct quote from a radical feminist website.

     These radical feminists claim to be fighting for equality, but what they are really fighting for is to transfer the perceived male privilege to themselves.  And that's not equality, that's just reversed dominance.

 - - - - -

     I'm going to stop here.  Because I had written about another couple hundred words on this topic and then kinda passed out and when I came to, it was gone.  I guess I need sleep.  Missing time like that is very weird for me, so I'm calling this one a night and throwing up a:


     See ya'all tomorrow!


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