You see, I fell asleep while writing the post.
Now, falling asleep at my keyboard brings to mind a drooling face, snoring, and the repeating "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzqjdiwhqoqnzzzzzzzz". Rest assured this is not what happened.
I fell asleep and didn't know it. I transitioned seamlessly into a dream where I was continuing to write my blog post. It was so smooth that when I startled myself awake from the dream, I didn't know I had been dreaming. I was confused as to where the several paragraphs I wrote had suddenly gone.
This has happened to me before, most memorably in high school, in Mrs. McGillakuhty's* history class. I was listening to her drone on and on (in that flat monotone she had developed over what had to have been several centuries of teaching) and suddenly she wasnt talking about the reconstruction anymore, she was talking about rainbows and kittens playing Sega games on her forehead. She spent several sincere and meaningful minutes reciting key passages from 'The Princess Bride' then she explained in great detail how to flibbit a tibbity jib-jab.
The weird thing about these... Let's call them 'stealth dreams'... The weird thing about these stealth dreams is that while what Mrs. McGillakuhty* was saying may sound like total, barking gibberish to you and I now, at the time it seemed perfectly normal. This is because the language center of the brain almost completely shuts down during sleeping. That's why you can never really read in a dream. It's all gibberish because our subconscious has reconstructed a scene in our minds eye, but the part of us that understands language has no part in it.
Oh, you may be able to recognize things like familiar words or familiar objects containing words, like stop signs, but we don't really read and interperate these things in our daily life. Take a stop sign. You know it says "Stop" in block white letters on a red octagon sometimes with a white trim. You instantly recognize it and know what it means. The shape and color (not the word) trigger the meaning in your brain on a level that bypasses language recognition. If you weren't paying REAL close attention and you drove up on a red octagonal sign with a white trim and the letters "SOAP" you would instinctively stop.
Then your language center would kick in and you would feel slightly foolish for stopping at a "Soap" sign.
Anyway, I'm rambling a bit and getting off topic. I guess my central point is this: Isn't it weird that our minds are so powerful, they can trick themselves into believing a false reality by building that whole reality from scraps in the instant you transition from awake to asleep? I think that is just the tightest shit, right there!
See ya'all tomorrow!
PS>. I plan on rewriting and finishing my thoughts on feminism and it's radical, man-hating offshoot. But, long story short: Feminism (meaning the struggle for women to be treated with equality in our society) I have no problem with. My problem is with the small but vocal minority that advocates mandatory castration, aborting/neglecting boy babies, and calling everything from a sidelong glance to bumping into someone accidentally "Rape" (mainly because they love to play the victim). But I'll get into that later, when I've had a good nights sleep.
*names changed to protect the guilty** from irate former teachers.
**me, I'm the guilty*** party in this disclaimer.
***not that I ever did anything to feel guilty about, mind.
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